
Will you soon begin to write your bachelor’s thesis or master’s thesis? The survey programs ESS, EVS, ISSP, SHARE and SNES/CSES cover a wide range of topics and you can easily access data as well as documentation. More information about the separate surveys can be found in the menu above.

CORS thesis competition 2018-2019

CORS announces a thesis prize in the amount of 10 000 SEK. The aim of this prize is to encourage studies that contribute to a better understanding of differences between countries concerning attitudes, behaviour, health or quality of life. The prize can only be awarded to students attending Swedish universities and who have finished a bachelor’s thesis or a master’s thesis during the autumn of 2018 or in the spring of 2019. The thesis must contain analysis based on data from one of the following surveys: ESS, EVS, ISSP, SHARE or CSES. Additionally, two or more countries should be compared in the analysis.

When you submit your thesis, the following documents should be attached:

  • A motivation describing the scientific contribution of the thesis
  • Validated copies of grade for the thesis
  • Contact information to the author of the thesis as well as the supervisor (phone, address and e-mail).

Send your thesis and the attachments mentioned above to no later than 30 June 2019.

The prize will be awarded providing that at least five applicants have submitted their thesis by the specified deadline.